About Us

25 years ago I did something that I never imagined would turn into something wonderful. I registered the domain name: PowerWord.com. Actually, I registered all of them, as many as I could get my hands on.
The reason for this was kind of stupid. I was a big D&D player and DM in those days, and PowerWord was a cool collection of spells within the D&D gaming world. It was a very nerdy thing to do, but whatever. I might want to use them one day, who knows?
Fast-forward to 2024 and PowerWord is now a shiny new AI product I built to help edit and proofread my growing catalog of indie published novels.
I built the tool because it allowed me to work the way an author works, well, at least the way I like to work.
After showing the new tool to my wife and some other friends and family members, I was stunned by the reception everyone was giving me.
“This is awesome!” one said. “I love this!” said another. One of our design clients also looked at the tool and decided she needed to keep using it. “Don’t take this away from me!”
I thought, wow, this would make a great product. My intention out of the gate was to call the new app “Donna” after my lovely wife, but all of those domains were taken. I had even called the app DonnaAI in the code I wrote.
But my beautiful wife then suggested I needed to call the app PowerWord. I quickly registered PowerWord.AI, and the rest, as they say, is history.

PowerWord AI is now the number one premier editing tool specifically written by authors for authors.
Everyone on the PowerWord team is a published writer and author with multiple books and novels under their belt. We know what it means to be writers, authors, and editors, because we’ve done all of these things ourselves professionally.
It has been this single-minded focus that has given PowerWord its place among the myriad of other AI tools out there who say they’re all about authors but really don’t have the first clue about what real writers and authors need or want.
PowerWord is a first-class product any writer would be at home using. Simple. Easy. Effective. PowerWord just works miracles. Well, at least our clients think so and we hope you do as well.
Beau Beauchamp
Co-Founder / CEO